Schlagwort: Open Access

2.Teil des Interviews mit Dr. Alma Swan

In this second part she explains why self-archiving should not be viewed as a threat to subscription-based journals, and discusses how scholarly publishing is likely to evolve in the future. Publishers, she concludes, should prepare themselves for a roller coaster…

Neue BMC-Titel in PubMed

The following new journals from BioMed Central have been added to PubMed Central: Journal of Inflammation (London, England) Particle and Fibre Toxicology AIDS Research and Therapy Molecular Pain [via PMC-News]

To the benefit of scholarship: Interview with Dr. Alma Swan

Sehr lesenswertes Interview von Richard Poynder mit einer Biologin, die ihr Fachgebiet verließ (warum), unter Robert Maxwell bei Pergamon Press (often regarded as the prototype scientific journal publisher that pays authors nothing, pays editors a pittance and increases prices at…

Flaw in BioMed Central payment conditions?

I’ve learned today, that – according to BioMed Central (BMC) – not the first or last or corresponding author is responsible for making or arranging (via institutional membership) the payment but the submitting author. That raises some interesting and serious…

Please choose: Open Access helps a) Scholars b) Libraries c) Publishers

Peter Suber macht in seinem neuesten SOAN-Newsletter eine interessante Gegenüberstellung von Open Access, der Wissenschaftlern hilft und Open Access, der Bibliotheken hilft. We know what kinds of OA initiative will help scholars — namely, every kind. But what kinds of…

Journal of Postgraduate Medicine profitiert von Open Access

Sandeep B. Bavdekar and D.R. Sahu, Path of Progress: Report of an Eventful Year for the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (JPGM), 51, 1 (2005) pp. 5-8: Seitdem das – indische – JPGM seine Artikel frei in…

Open Access does not have an impact on document delivery

Aus Mike McGrath, Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature, Interlending & Document Supply, 33, 1 (2005) pp. 42-48. Würd‘ mich auch wundern, denn noch ist die Zahl der OA-Artikel zu klein und die der TA-Artikel zu…

National Academies Press announces Discovery Engine

Die National Academies Press bietet ihre Open Access Bücher nun mit einer neuen Suchmanschine an. The Discovery Engine searches more than 500,000 book pages from nearly 3,000 formal publications produced by The National Academy of Sciences, The National Academy of…

Future of Online Scientific and Medical Publishing

The Science Advisory Board has completed a new study, Future of Online Scientific and Medical Publishing: ‚In an electronic journals study of more than 1,900 scientific and medical researchers, The Science Advisory Board found that researcher’s assign greater value to…

„Medical History“ digitalisiert

Medical History (v1.1957-v16.1972) is the first journal to be digitized and mounted through PubMed Central under the Medical Journals Backfiles Digitization Project. [via Open Access News]

OA journals have little effect on TA journal cancellations

… nach einer Umfrage der Publishers Communication Group (PCG). Joshua Clarke, Global Electronic Collection Trends in Academic Libraries, The PCG Vantage, Issue 4, 2004 [via Open Access News] Und was OA und TA bedeutet, wissen wir jetzt…

BMC reduces processing fee for papers submitted with Publicon

Interessant. Könnte man sich vorstellen, dass unsere Forscher ihre Artikel mit diesem Tool schreiben? BioMed Central has announced an interesting partnership with Wolfram Publicon, software for formatting technical documents in XML, XHTML, and MathML.

How much content is available in medical journals?

Aus Serials 18(1) March 2005. S. 45 – 50: Marie E McVeigh A1 and James K Pringle: Open access to the medical literature: How much content is available in published journals? Abstract:

Open Access-Artikel mit siebenfachem Download

BioMed Central feiert den 25-millionsten Download. Mit durchschnittlich 3.500 Downloads pro Artikel sind das siebenmal als bei kommerziellen Verlagen. [via Open Access News]

PLoS announces PLoS Pathogens

The Public Library of Science today announced the launch of PLoS Pathogens, the newest peer-reviewed, open-access journal in its line-up. The journal is accepting submissions at, and commences publication in September 2005. [via Open Access News]

Fair Access to Clinical Trials Act

Ein Gesetzesentwurf im US-Kongress to make „the clinical trial information publicly available“ [via Open Access News]

OA- und TA-Journals

Wo man auch hinschaut – Abkürzungen! Insbesondere im Angloamerikanischen. Dass OA vermutlich Open Access heißt, kann man sich ja noch denken, aber was heißt TA? TA ist der Gegensatz zu OA, also vielleicht „Traditional Access“ oder „Temporary Access“? Nein –…