Schlagwort: Open Access

Open Access success of the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine

Open access in the developing world: Regaining the lost impact by Dr D. K. Sahu, Managing Director, Medknow Publications Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, India, auf dem Workshop on Electronic Publishing and Open Access Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2-3 November 2006…

DFG-Projekt zu Self-Archiving: SHERPA/RoMEO auf Deutsch

Ein DFG-Projekt der UB Stuttgart: Open Access Policies – Was gestatten deutsche Verlage ihren Autoren? Im Rahmen dieses von der DFG geförderten Projektes sollen die an zahlreichen deutschen Hochschulen und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen vorhandenen Informationen zu Möglichkeiten der zusätzlichen Bereitstellung von…

NLM’s Long-Range Plan 2006-2016

Charting a Course for the 21st Century: NLM’s Long-Range Plan 2006-2016. Zitat der Woche (Thanks OAN and Clifford Lynch): [By 2025] the majority of new scientific research results will be freely available in permanent digital archives shortly after initial production…

Responses to EU study on scientific publication markets

I had reported before on the Study on the economic and technical evolution of the scientific publication markets in Europe by the European Commission’s Research Directorate-General. Someone performed a huge workload now and collected and synthesized all the responses: Synthesis…

Strong Copyright + DRM + Weak Net Neutrality = Digital Dystopia?

Article by Charles w. Bailey, Jr. Abstract: Three critical issues – dramatic expansion of the scope, duration, and punitive nature of copyright laws; the ability of Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems to lock-down digital content in an unprecedented fashion; and…

Open access and the Wellcome Trust – mandate effective from 1st October 2006

From 1st October 2006 it is a requirement on all Wellcome Trust-funded researchers to ensure that any research papers arising from Trust funded research, that have been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, are made freely accessible from the…

Elsevier agreement with Wellcome Trust

Tony McSean, Elsevier Director of Library Relations, is pleased to announce that Elsevier has made an agreement with the Wellcome Trust that allows authors who publish in Elsevier journals to comply with Wellcome Trust’s policy requiring grantholders to deposit final…

Taylor & Francis announce iOpenAccess

Taylor & Francis announced the introduction of an „iOpenAccess“ option for authors publishing in all journals from T&F and Informa Healthcare. From October 2006, all authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication in one of the iOpenAccess journals will have…

Large-scale network of OA repositories

A consortium of international research institutions has launched DRIVER (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research). Bielefeld and Göttingen take part. [Thanks OAN]

Open access for the medical librarian

Heather Morrison and Andrew Waller, Open access for the medical librarian, Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association, Summer 2006. [Thanks OAN]

Nature adopts Open Peer Review

The experiment of the weekly journal Nature with Open Peer Review seems to be a success, according to Matt Whipp, Nature journal puts blogging into peer reviews, PC Pro, September 15, 2006[Thanks OAN]

T.Scott about FRPAA

The US law initiative FRPAA was discussed earlier in this blog. T.Scott used the widespread letters of pro and cons for arguing about the fate of scientific societies and on what side a librarian should stand.

Summary of the open access policies of biomedical funders

BioMed Central has compiled a summary of the open access policies of different biomedical funders, linking to official policy statements from those funders where available.

Inetbib-Tagung: Open Access

Am Nachmittag wurden zwei sehr interessante Vorträge über Open Access gehalten: Dr. Norbert Lossau, Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld: Open Access an Hochschulen: Strategien, Chancen und Probleme bei der Umsetzung (Abstract) und Dr. Eric Steinhauer, Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau: „Und bist du nicht willig, so…