Thanks to Peter Suber: Authoratory is a tool for data-mining information about authors with articles cited on PubMed Central. From the site: The content of Authoratory is produced by analyzing large amounts of data from PubMed…. Authoratory data-mining techniques make it…
Schlagwort: From other blogs
Purchasing online journal access for a hospital medical library: how to identify value in commercially available products
Ein Artikel aus Biomedical Digital Libraries Background: Medical practice today requires evaluating large amounts of information which should be available at all times. This information is found most easily in a digital form. Some information has already been evaluated for…
Practicing Medical Reference
Mary Carmen Chimato wrote: In light of medical librarian month, I thought this was a fitting story: A student came to the reference desk yesterday asking for journal articles on “Topic X.” It became readily apparent that he wanted me…
LWW Electronic Journals
Krafty wrote: Love ‚em or hate ‚em, the issues with electronic journals are enough to drive a person to drink heavily and unfortunately I am left smelling the wine cork until I have my second child (hopefully soon). My latest…
What can {insert name of library} do for you?
Genialer Werbeclip! Thanks to Alexia! I was directed to this great commercial that the Fulton County Public Library made. What a great idea! While most hospital libraries don’t have the money or other resources to make a TV commercial why…
Remote Patron Authentication
Krafty wrote [Thanks!]: I just got the table of contents for the Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries and was immediately drawn to this, Beyond Password Protection: Methods for Remote Patron Authentication, B Douglas Blansit in Journal of Electronic…
British Medical Journal – Xmas Issue
Dean wrote [Thanks!]: Giustini D. How Web 2.0 is changing medicine: is a medical wikipedia the next step?. British Medical Journal. Xmas Issue. December 23rd, 2006 „Few concepts in information technology create more confusion than Web 2.0. The truth is…
Interview with Matthew Cockerill and Chris Leonard
Peter Suber wrote [Thanks!]: Anna Winterbottom, BMC branches out: an interview with Matthew Cockerill and Chris Leonard, First Author, undated but c. January 6, 2007. Excerpt: BioMed Central (BMC)…has…continued to expand its range of services, most notably by launching two…
How medical journals are using the web
Peter Suber wrote: David L. Schriger, Sripha Ouk, and Douglas G. Altman, The Use of the World Wide Web by Medical Journals in 2003 and 2005: An Observational Study, Pediatrics, January 2007. (Thanks to ResourceShelf.) Abstract:
Integrating and promoting medical podcasts into the library collection.
Related Articles Integrating and promoting medical podcasts into the library collection. Med Ref Serv Q. 2007;26(1):27-35 Authors: Kraft M Podcasts offer a way for medical professionals to listen to current information in medicine from an iPod, MP3 player, handheld device,…
Medical librarian 2.0.
Related Articles Medical librarian 2.0. Med Ref Serv Q. 2007;26(1):1-15 Authors: Connor E Web 2.0 refers to an emerging social environment that uses various tools to create, aggregate, and share dynamic content in ways that are more creative and interactive…