Schlagwort: Bibliothek

Pharma-Bio-Med November 2006 detailed programme

Pharma-Bio-Med 2006 is the new conference & exposition in Europe for Pharma, Bio & Medical Information Professionals that focuses on the role of the Information Professional through all stages of a drug’s progression, from discovery research, through pre-clinical assessment, clinical,…

Discussion lists vs. Blogs

There is an interesting discussion at the moment in euromedlib – European Medical Librarians – about mailing lists vs. blogs.

Making the best use of medical librarians

In Making the best use of medical librarians Helen Elwell describes how to make the most of librarians’ skills and knowledge. BMJ Career Focus 333 (7568): 108 Medical librarians are professionally qualified. They have either a graduate or a postgraduate…

The Need to Archive Blog Content

Steven Ovadia writes in The Serials Librarian, 51(1)2006, about The Need to Archive Blog Content. Librarians are rapidly moving toward a situation where newspapers and magazines are directing readers to blogs that might not exist in the future.

Belgischer Konzern kauft Schwarz Pharma

Der belgische Pharmakonzern UCB übernimmt die Monheimer Schwarz Pharma AG für 4,4 Milliarden Euro, berichtet der Spiegel Online. Nachdem Merck Serono kauft und Nycomed Altana-Pharma, geht die Fusionierungs- und Konsolidierungswelle in der Chemie- und Pharmabranche also munter weiter. Mich interessiert’s…

European Digital Library struggles with copyright

[W]orks being digitalised for the library will mainly be from before the 1920s unless the issue of intellectual property rights is dealt with. „This is one of the main topics in all discussions going on at the moment,“ says Britta…

As an OPL, how to cope with ignorant IT departments?

By the title „Phrases We Don’t Want to Hear…But Are None The Less True„, Krafty disputes some provocative statements of Michael Stephens (Tame the Web) by heart. She reminds us on the weak position of an OPL hospital librarian if…

T.Scott about FRPAA

The US law initiative FRPAA was discussed earlier in this blog. T.Scott used the widespread letters of pro and cons for arguing about the fate of scientific societies and on what side a librarian should stand.

Just use that little hyphen, hyphen, hyphen

The empowerment session (Powerpoint) by Lars (left) „The hunt for the perfect interface in a Googlified world“ was one of the highlights of the EAHIL conference this year.


Because of a bug feature in Flickr, on the right you will not only see the pictures of Inetbib2006 but also some of the 10th EAHIL Conference at Cluj-Napoca. 🙂

Thieme-Umfrage nach Lehrbuchbeständen

Der Thieme-Verlag braucht für „verlagsinterne Statistiken“ Angaben von Uni-Bibliotheken über die Präsenzbestände folgender Lehrbücher (nur aktuelle Auflage): – PROMETHEUS, Lehratlas Anatomie – Bewegungsapparat – Silbernagl, Taschenatlas Physiologie – Kahle/Leonhardt, TA Anatomie – Netter, Anatomieatlas – Masuhr, Duale Reihe Neurologie Das…