The Conference Weblog told us today: Registration for the conference has started. To register, please go to the conference website. When you get there, you can also take a look at the preliminary scientific program and read about CEC courses.…
Kategorie: EAHIL
Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (2007, Vol 3, Issue 4)
The Latest Issue of the Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (2007, Vol 3, Issue 4) is online at this URL: Contents: EDITORIAL 2. Letter from the Editor – Sally Wood-Lamont NEWS FROM OUR ASSOCIATION…
EAHIL-Tagung Helsinki mit Konferenz-Blog
Die 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries in Helsinki, Finland, 2008, June 23-28, hat jetzt auch einen eigenen Blog: EAHIL 2008. Achtung: Abstract Submission Deadline is October, 31th 2007! Bitte beachten Sie, dass aus dem Reisekostenfond der AGMB…
Helsinki: Abstract submission open
Abstract submission is now open online only. The International Programme Committee invites you to submit papers and posters for the 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries „Towards a New Information Space – Innovations and Renovations“ to be held…
Journal of the EAHIL
Das dritte Heft von 2007 des Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries – 2007; 3 (3) – ist nun online (PDF). Es ist zugleich die Jubiläumsausgabe für 20 Jahre EAHIL mit einem ausführlichen Rückblick auf die…
An der MLA teilnehmen?
Ich denke ja immer mal wieder dran, an der größten (und wichtigsten?) Konferenz für Medizinbibliothekare teilzunehmen, dem MLA-Kongreß in den USA. Man könnte dort z.B. einige Blogger treffen. Aber es gibt ja auch noch die deutsche Konferenz der AGMB und…
EAHIL-Konferenz Helsinki: Call for Papers
Die 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries in Helsinki, Finland, 2008, June 23-28, hat heute ihr Erstes Call for Papers herausgebracht. Wichtige Daten sind: Abstracts should be submitted online by the 31st of October 2007. Notification of acceptance…
EAHIL/Krakow: Noch bis nächste Woche günstiger registrieren
11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries
Die 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries in Helsinki, Finland, 2008, June 23-28, hat jetzt auch eine eigene Webseite. Die Konferenz wird in der Finlandia Hall stattfinden. Die beiden Organisatorinnen, Merja Jauhiainen und Pirjo Rajakiili laden uns ein:…
Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Benoit Thirion schreibt in EAHIL-user: The latest issue of the Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries is now online. Here is the summary: EDITORIAL 1. Letter from the Editor – Sally Wood-Lamont NEWS FROM OUR ASSOCIATION…
Scholarships for EAHIL Workshop 2007
Nach der EAHIL hat nun auch die AGMB wie berichtet einen Reisegeldfonds für ausländische Tagungen ausgelobt. Der Besuch der EAHIL Konferenz in Krakau vom 12. – 15.9.2007 wird für max. zwei KollegInnen mit einem Reisekostenzuschuss bis maximal je 500 Euro…
Registration for the EAHIL Workshop in Krakow is open
We would like to inform you that registration for the EAHIL Workshop in Krakow is open. The Registration form is available at:
Scholarships for EAHIL Workshop 2007
Die EAHIL-Präsidentin schreibt: The EAHIL Executive Board is pleased to announce the availability of four Scholarships to be awarded to worthy individuals to attend the EAHIL Workshop in Krakow, Poland 12th 15th September 2007. The scholarships will be 500…
EAHIL-Workshop in Krakow
Die Gebühr für die early bird registration (2.4.-31.5.2007) für den EAHIL-Workshop in Krakow wurde auf 340 Euro reduziert. Es gibt allerdings noch keine Angaben darüber, wieviel es danach kostet. Nachtrag: 400 Euro kostet es regulär.
Krakow: Continuing Education Courses
The Krakow Workshop 2007 of the European Association for Health Information & Libraries comes – as usual – with an vast amount of excellent continuing education courses, including: * Blankson-Hemans L.: Measuring Impact: Cost Justification for Information Services * Booth…
EAHIL Council Delegates for Germany
Not surprisingly, Friedhelm Rump and myself were re-elected to the Council of the EAHIL. Please let me express my gratitude for both your vote and your trust as well my joy for the great many voters. I’m sure, that holds…
Journal of the EAHIL
The lastest issue of the Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries 2007; 3 (1) in now online (PDF). [Thanks Benoit] Table of Contents: 1. Letter from the Editor – Sally Wood-Lamont 3. Letter from the President…
EAHIL Workshop Krakow
Abstract submission was extended to February, 12th. You will find all informations of the workshop, scheduled Sept. 12th to 15th, now at The deadline for abstract submission is January, 30th, so please make sure to submit in time! Would…
Election for EAHIL Council is now open
The EAHIL council elections will be done electronically through the Membership Database from 15.1. to 14.2.. Arne Jakobsson urges all members in the countries above to vote for EAHIL councillors. Instructions for voting 1. Go to EAHIL web 2.…
Journal of EAHIL – Dezemberausgabe
Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries: 1. Letter from the Editor – Sally Wood-Lamont NEWS FROM OUR ASSOCIATION 3. Letter from the President – Arne Jakobsson 4. EAHIL Council Election 2006 Special Interest Group Reports