First Call for Papers: EAHIL Conference 2014 Rome

Bitte beachten Sie den folgenden (ersten) Aufruf für die EAHIL-Konferenz 11.-13. Juni 2014 in Rom. Die AGMB und die EAHIL haben Förderprogramme für Kongressreisen.

The International Program Committee invites all interested colleagues
to submit papers or posters, or propose continuing education courses
for the EAHIL 2014 Rome Conference ( The Conference topics have been grouped into the following subject areas:

A. Technological developments and challenges for librarians (e.g. Cloud computing, Applets, Web 2.0 tools, Social media)
B. Supporting research (e.g. Research data, EBM, Health Technology Assessment, Open Access, History of Medicine)
C. Coping with economic restraint (e.g. Fund raising, Negotiation, Consortia)
D. Patient Information (e.g. Patient Empowerment, Health Literacy, Websites, Training and education)
E. Statistics, bibliometrics and altmetrics (e.g. Performance indicators, Counter reports, H-index, Scholarly impact)
F. Development in semantic biomedical languages (e.g. MeSH, Multilingualism, Knowledge Organisation Systems, Ontologies)

Abstract are to be submitted by November 15 using the online form at „Authors“. For further information please visit our website

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