Marian Taliaferro (mtaliaferro@AAMC.ORG) fragte gestern in medlib-l nach „Jacked up journal prices?“ und nennt einige erstaunliche Steigerungsraten, die ich allerdings teilweise bestätigen kann. Wie sieht es bei Ihnen aus? Bitte kommentieren Sie und antworten Marian!
This is an inquiry into whether other libraries have seen significant
increases in institutional journal subscription prices this coming year.
Here are some examples from a recent invoice, with publisher and
increases from last year indicated:
* American Journal of Medicine (Elsevier) +26%
* Archives of Internal Medicine (AMA): +41%
* JAMA (AMA): +45%
* Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (Wiley): +62%
* Lancet (Elsevier): +23%
* Medical Teacher (Informa): +24%
* New England Journal of Medicine (Massachusetts Medical Society):
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