Endlich mal eine Umfrage, die meine Vermutungen bestätigt 😉 , insbesondere über nicht zeitgemäße DRM-Geschäftsmodelle á la Elsevier oder UTB.
HighWire Presents Findings from eBooks Librarian Survey.
138 Bibliothekare aus 13 Ländern wurde von HighWire über ihre Meinung zu Onlinebüchern befragt. Die 5 wichtigsten Ergebnisse:
- Simplicity and ease of use seem more important than sophisticated end-user features. (siehe dazu auch unsere Umfrage zu Mehrwertbüchern)
- Users tend to discover ebooks through both the library catalog and search engines.
- While users prefer PDFs, format preference will likely change as technology changes.
- DRM seems to hinder ebook use for library patrons; ability to print is essential.
- The most popular business model for librarians is purchase with perpetual access.
Warum macht HighWire sowas?
„We don’t think there’s enough concrete information out there to advise our publishing partners as they form their strategies in ebook publishing,“ says HighWire’s Director, John Sack. „Many have tried a number of different distribution avenues and are now looking to have more hands-on control of their ebooks programs. We are working to help them find the best means of doing that.“
Wie geht es weiter?
HighWire is also conducting one-on-one interviews with students and faculty to determine their needs and expectations. Through a series of interviews, surveys and data collection activities throughout 2010, HighWire will continue to help their scholarly publisher customers understand the evolving needs of libraries and individual readers.
[via liblicense]
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