The European Association for Health Information and Libraries – EAHIL The 12th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, Estoril, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 18th June 2010
Last chance to submit your paper or poster. For the rules go to
Ich würde mich freuen, wer der ein oder andere noch etwas über seine Bibliothek und seine Aktivitäten erzählen möchte und einen Abstract einreichen würde. Nie waren die Chancen angenommen zu werden so gut wie dieses Jahr! Soweit es in meiner Macht steht, werde ich allen Teilnehmern und insbesondere den Präsentatoren bei Reisekostenzuschüssen und bei der Konferenz mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen – und nicht zu vergessen: Lissabon ist wahrlich eine Reise wert und die Gastfreundschaft unserer portugiesischen Kollegen legendär!
The International Programme Committee has the great honor of inviting you to submit papers and posters for the 12th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries “DISCOVERING NEW SEAS OF KNOWLEDGE: technologies, environments and users in the future of health libraries” to be held in Estoril, Lisbon, Portugal, 14th – 18th June 2010.
As a good scientific program is a major key to a successful conference, we very much look forward to your contribution. The Committee invites research papers, innovative approaches, examples of best practice and case studies on the following topics:
Health technologies assessment, for example:
Information support for health care decision-makers. Evidence
provision for the introduction, allocation and cost-effective use of
medical technologies.
Evidence-based librarianship, for example:
Supporting evidence-based health care. Evidence-based library and
information practice.
Bibliometrics, for example:
Qualitative indicators. Measuring impact and quality. Citation
indexing systems. Cost justification for information services.
Preservation and memory, for example:
Old collections in a digital world.
Health and biomedical informatics, for example:
Data analysis and data mining. Content analysis. Health databases.
Ontology. Web search and information credibility.
Library spaces and places, for example:
Physical and virtual spaces. Changing physical library space. Value of
library and information services. Health libraries architecture.
Ubiquitous libraries.
Scholarly publishing and open access, for example:
Self-archiving. Scientific information. Knowledge society. Copyright
agreements. Pre-print and post-print. Publishing systems.
Emerging technologies and tools, for example:
Innovative health information management. Mobile technologies.
Information visualization. Wiki technology and communities. Virtual
libraries. Microblogging. Communication and collaboration
technologies. Semantic web. Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. technologies.
Health librarians in the 21st century, for example:
Opportunities, roles, competencies, skills, marketing, leadership.
Information literacy, for example:
Advocacy, marketing and promotion. Recognizing the need. User
education. Benchmarking.
User statistics, for example:
Performance measures. Benchmarking. Quality measurement.
Library management, for example:
Fund raising. Accreditation. Partnerships. Stakeholders. Ethical
issues in information practice.
Abstract submission instructions
Abstract submission for papers and posters will be online only at
Final abstract submission deadline Friday 6 November 2009.
1. Both EAHIL members and non-members may submit abstracts.
EAHIL members will login with their ordinary username and password.
Non-members first have to register their personal details to get a
username and password.
2. When you login, you come to the abstract submission system.
Click on “Papers”. If you already have submitted abstract(s), you
will get a list of your abstract(s) and you can update the information
by clicking on the title.
If you want to submit a paper or poster, click on “Add paper”. For
author information, use format: surname, forename; surname, forename.
3. Abstract length should not exceed 2500 characters.
4. Until the extended date for final abstract submission Friday 6
November 2009, you may update your abstract.
Abstracts should be submitted online by the 6th of November 2009.
Notification of acceptance will be made by the 21st of December 2009.
The authors should confirm their participation in the Conference by
the 31st of January 2010. The full texts of accepted presentations
should be submitted by the 30th of April 2010. Registration will begin
on the 1st January 2010. Early bird registration – from the 1st
January until the 31st of March 2010.
The full text of all the conference papers will be published on
Isabel Andrade, Chair of the International Programme Committee,
Saraiva, Co-chair of the International Programme Committee,
EAHIL 2010 Conference Website:
Best regards,
Isabel Andrade
IPC Chair
Chefe de Divisão
Centro de Documentação e Informação
Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
Av. Padre Cruz
1600-560 Lisboa
Tel. 21 751 21 00/32
Fax 21 758 27 54