Andrew Spong macht sich in Societies deliver the value. Publishers value the delivery. Gedanken zu einer Studie von Wiley-Blackwell über „global economic downturn affecting scientific societies“.
Today, Wiley-Blackwell has published the results of a survey undertaken earlier this year of ‘47 officers from scholarly and professional societies ranging in size from less than 500 members to more than 25,000, and from a variety of subject disciplines,’ the majority of whom are ‘based in Europe and the United States’.
Remember: you are the expert scientists. Publishers are just expert publishers. Scientific societies can be publishers; publishers cannot be scientists. It is the societies that deliver the value; publishers merely value the delivery, and their organizational immune system may prevent them from ever adequately supporting the local optimum that your scientific reputation possesses, and could be holding back the local optimum you may go on to achieve as publishers in your own right.