eric Rumsey weist in Separating the Twitter wheat from the Twitter chaff auf ein Posting von White Paper Pundit für leitende Manager hin, aber vieles dort trifft auch allgemein zu:
* Probably 90% of Twitter users produce little more than drivel. But, you don’t need to follow any of those 90%.
* Messages, by virtue of the 140-character limit, are pithier, hence more scannable. Brevity is the soul of twit.
* Topic areas are more findable, prunable, and groupable, leading to an incredible and still-growing abundance of Twitter utilities and after-market products to help people divide, search, conquer.
* Twitter, used properly, is much less subject to the incursion of advertising (or pure inanity) that plagues nearly everything else on the net: you can (and should) customize the people you follow for maximum utility. It’s so much easier to simply unfollow someone who turns out to be a spammer or a fool than it is to, say, unsubscribe from a typical email blast stream. It’s your action that does the unfollowing, not theirs.In addition, the blogger references the term “mindcasting”, which can help executives separate the Twitter wheat from the Twitter chaff:
“Mindcasting” is the term that I find most applicable to Twitter. Through Twitter, I get to tap into the minds of people I find useful, people who are willing to share, via this new medium, their perspective and interests. Those whose tweets prove interesting and useful, I keep following. Those who don’t, get dropped, and that’s OK.