Nach der ICOLC und der ARL (ARL Statement to Scholarly Publishers on the Global Economic Crisis) hat nun auch das Research Information Network (Scholarly books and journals at risk) vor den dramatischen Folgen der Weltwirtschaftskrise für die Bibliotheksetats (und damit die Forschung) gewarnt:
The current economic difficulties across the globe bring serious risks to scholarly books and journals. In the UK, the recent dramatic fall in the value of sterling has seriously damaged university library purchasing budgets…. Savage cuts in journal subscriptions, with a consequent reduction – even reversal – in access to scholarly resources would run counter to all that has been achieved over the past decade in widening access for researchers and students. We call on all the key stakeholder groups to work together to find creative, practical and sustainable ways to ensure that the scholarly publications link in the chain from genius to wealth creation is not damaged beyond repair. [Fettdruck durch mich]
Thanks to Peter Suber
Nachtrag: Will TA publishers risk cancellations with standard price increases this year?