Schnell hin zu Laura B. Cohen’s Blog Library 2.0 und retten, was zu retten ist! Z.B. das berühmte A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto, kongenial vertont und visualisiert von Soren Johannessen. Laura ging im März in den Ruhestand und der Blog wird bald offline sein. .. Moment mal, das heißt ja, sie hat dieses Manifest mit über 60 geschrieben?!! Dann besteht ja für mich auch noch Hoffnung auf ein paar kreative Jahre im Alter …
Retten wirklich nötig!? Es gibt doch die Wayback Maschine. Und richtig, dort wurde Laura’s Manifest schon längst archiviert. Trotzdem hier nochmal der volle Text (sicher ist sicher 😉 ):
A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto
* I will recognize that the universe of information culture is changing fast and that libraries need to respond positively to these changes to provide resources and services that users need and want.
* I will educate myself about the information culture of my users and look for ways to incorporate what I learn into library services.
* I will not be defensive about my library, but will look clearly at its situation and make an honest assessment about what can be accomplished.
* I will become an active participant in moving my library forward.
* I will recognize that libraries change slowly, and will work with my colleagues to expedite our responsiveness to change.
* I will be courageous about proposing new services and new ways of providing services, even though some of my colleagues will be resistant.
* I will enjoy the excitement and fun of positive change and will convey this to colleagues and users.
* I will let go of previous practices if there is a better way to do things now, even if these practices once seemed so great.
* I will take an experimental approach to change and be willing to make mistakes.
* I will not wait until something is perfect before I release it, and I’ll modify it based on user feedback.
* I will not fear Google or related services, but rather will take advantage of these services to benefit users while also providing excellent library services that users need.
* I will avoid requiring users to see things in librarians‘ terms but rather will shape services to reflect users‘ preferences and expectations.
* I will be willing to go where users are, both online and in physical spaces, to practice my profession.
* I will create open Web sites that allow users to join with librarians to contribute content in order to enhance their learning experience and provide assistance to their peers.
* I will lobby for an open catalog that provides personalized, interactive features that users expect in online information environments.
* I will encourage my library’s administration to blog.
* I will validate, through my actions, librarians‘ vital and relevant professional role in any type of information culture that evolves.
Posted by Laura Cohen on November 8, 2006 01:01 PM