Mittwoch publizierte der renommierte NatureNews-Redakteur Declan Butler eine – allgemein als nasty bezeichneten – Artikel über PLoS: PLoS stays afloat with bulk publishing: Science-publishing firm struggles to make ends meet with open-access model. Die Kommentare dort sind mehr oder weniger einhellig der Ansicht, dass Nature einen Wettbewerber „gedisst“ hätte. Stellvertretend hier zwei Kommentare:
I think that PLOS should be ecstatic about this attack piece. The fact that Nature has unleashed one of its in-house rottweilers to spread scorn and innuendo suggests that PLOS is actually beginning to worry the powers-that-be at NPG. [Michael Fainzilber]
I think Declan Butler’s piece is aimed more at open access in general. I’m not so sure that NPG is all that worried about PLOS. I think it’s more like NPG sees itself as practicing for a little dance on the grave of open access. [Bernie Sloan]
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