Tony McSean äußert sich in medlib-l kritisch über einen neuen UK Report über die Verhaltensmuster der „Google Generation“, sponsored von der British Library und dem Joint Information Systems Committe (Fettdruck durch mich):
… it is not just-in-time, definitely not just-in-case. In the eternal student way it is just-enough. So long as students can get what they need with minimal sophistication of search terms and sources they will not be responsive to efforts to take their searching to another level.
Tony schlägt als Lösung vor, sich nicht auf dieses Niveau herunterzulassen, sondern „throw back sloppily-researched, 100% derivative assignments“:
Saying that Google access should force schools and higher ed to reorient what they expect of students is less snappy than saying Information Literacy For All, but it seems to me that this would be tackling the cause not the symptom. Quality search skills are a means to an end, and if they are needed to succeed then there will be a clamour for evidence-gathering skills.