Abstract submission is now open online only.
The International Programme Committee invites you to submit papers and posters for the 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries „Towards a New Information Space – Innovations and Renovations“ to be held in Helsinki, Finland, 23rd – 28th June, 2008.
The Committee invites research papers, innovative approaches, examples of best practice, case studies on the following topics:
Virtual communities and virtual libraries, for example:
Collaborative information environments, collaborative practices, Partnerships and alliances, Scholarly publishing, Contribution to e-science, Open access, Open archives, Changing information needs and services, Changing physical library space, Impact on physical library space, Value of library and information services, Web 2.0
Innovative health information management, for example:
Health informatics, biomedical informatics, Semantic web, Ontologies
New technologies and applications, for example:
Mobile technologies, Information visualization, Web 2.0 technologies
Health information policy, for example:
Global health information, Community health information
Evidence-based practice, for example:
Supporting evidence-based health care, Evidence-based library and information
practice Education and professional development, for example: Leadership,
Changing roles, transferring skills
Medical humanities, for example:
Ethical issues in communication: physician-patient relationship, History of medicine, History of medical libraries, Digitizing the past for the future
Abstract submission instructions
- Both EAHIL members and non-members may submit abstracts. EAHIL members will login with their ordinary username and password. Non-members first have to register their personal details to get a username and password.
- When you login, you come to the abstract submission system. Click on Papers. If you already have submitted abstract(s), you will get a list of your abstract(s) and you can update the information by clicking on the title. If you want to submit a paper or poster, click on Add paper. For author information, use format: surname, forename; surname, forename.
- Abstract length should not exceed 2500 characters.
- Within the abstract submission period 24th September 31st October, you may update your abstract.
Important dates
- Abstracts should be submitted online by the 31st of October 2007.
- Notification of acceptance will be made by the 21st of December 2007.
- The authors should confirm their participation in the Conference by the 31st of January 2008.
- The full texts of accepted presentations should be submitted by the 30th of April 2008.
Full text presentations
The full texts of all the conference presentations will be published on the EAHIL web site.
For further information, please contact: Pirjo Rajakiili: pirjo.rajakiili@helsinki.fi or Päivi Pekkarinen: paivi.pekkarinen@helsinki.fi