Finde ich ja drollig, dass die Bibliothekare jetzt Schuld daran sein sollen, dass der 12-monatige rolling access wegfällt, der bisher kostenfrei mit der Printversion kam. Aber kostenfreie Lösungen sind nicht mehr zeitgemäß und so wird uns der Elsevier Account Manager hoffentlich bald mit vielen „most suitable (und wie man vermuten darf: most precious) and robust access solutions“ überraschen.
Joep Verheggen, Director ScienceDirect, teilt mit:
Based on extensive feedback from the library community, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about a very important change that will take place with regards to ScienceDirect Web Editions. Effective March 31st 2008, Elsevier will discontinue ScienceDirect Web Editions. As 2007 is the last full calendar year that ScienceDirect Web Editions is available, we are informing you of this development so that you have sufficient time to consider alternative ScienceDirect solutions if you have not already done so.
Elsevier has tracked a significant and steady decline in the use of Web Editions over the past three years. During this periods we have repeatedly heard from librarians like you about the need for more robust access to electronic content, more choices in access to e-content, and more sophisticated product features and functionality. On behalf of Elsevier, thank you for your many comments that continue to help us improve our services to you and your colleagues.
While ScienceDirect Web Editions was originally designed to aid institutions wishing to first enter an electronic content environment because it was a complimentary add-on to a print subscription, we believe that ScienceDirect now offers a range of attractive alternatives that provide significantly better value. I invite you to visit for a
complete overview of available options.
I would like to thank you for your institution’s use of ScienceDirect Web Editions, and I assure you that my staff and I are committed to supporting you in finding the most suitable solution to the Elsevier content you and your colleagues so value. Your account manager will contact you within the coming weeks to discuss the available options. Should you have any additional
questions, please don’t hesitate to consult Claus Großmann at +49 (0) 621 / 68 56 151 or for further information.
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