Heather G. Morrison schreibt in Ihrem Blog und in liblicense:
There are some in the publishing community who are spending significant sums fighting open access – for example, Nature recently reported that AAP spent $300,000 – $500,000 in 2006, as reported in their article, PR’s „pitbull“ takes on open access – January 25, 2007.
This one expenditure by AAP is sufficient for hosting and support services for 785 open access journals using Open Journal Systems. If Elsevier’s annual U.S. lobbying budget were redirected to OA publishing – this would be enough for support and hosting for over 3,000 journals – much more than the 2,000 Elsevier currently produces.
Nice Idea, but if they really redirect their budgets, they wouldn’t made the profit needed for their lobbying budget. 😉