Das Juni-Heft 2005 des Health Information and Libraries Journal ist online. Librarians‘ Rx fasziniert insbesondere das „thought-provoking guest editorial from Ben Toth, Muir Gray and Anne Brice entitled: The number needed to read: a new measure of journal value. Number Needed to Read (NNR) is an „index of how many papers in a journal have to be read to find one of adequate clinical quality and relevance.“ The authors propose that „health libraries should set a maximum threshold for NNR and, either not subscribe to any journals whose index is above that threshold, or alternatively offer to pay a lower subscription fee.“ This is definitely a topic for discussion at your next collections meeting, journal club, or coffee break.“ Ich möchte noch auf den Artikel über das mit Preisen überhäufte und wegweisende Chasing the Sun-Projekt von Mary und auf Andrew Booth’s Modelling of (Real) Clinical Questions hinweisen. [via Librarians‘ Rx]