Interessant. Könnte man sich vorstellen, dass unsere Forscher ihre Artikel mit diesem Tool schreiben? BioMed Central has announced an interesting partnership with Wolfram Publicon, software for formatting technical documents in XML, XHTML, and MathML. From yesterday’s announcement: ‚Using Wolfram Research’s new Wolfram Publicon software, authors gain the unique advantage of being able to submit properly structured documents ready for direct publication by BioMed Central, the leading Open Access publisher….“Publicon was created primarily for electronic publishing and is ideal for implementing the Open Access publishing model,“ said André Kuzniarek, manager of document technology at Wolfram Research. „It helps the STM publishing community simplify its publication processes.“…As part of this partnership, Publicon is being offered at a specially discounted price. In addition, BioMed Central is giving a discount off the article processing charge to authors who submit their work using Publicon.‘
From BMC’s page on the Publicon partnership: ‚Publicon also offers a BioMed Central article template, and supports export in BioMed Central’s native XML format, which makes it an ideal tool for BioMed Central authors. Publicon notebook files authored using the BioMed Central template can be submitted directly to BioMed Central, and offer authors the following benefits: [1] a template which streamlines the process of creating a correctly formatted manuscript, [2] full support for complex mathematical formula and equations, [3] automatic conversion to XML within BioMed Central’s production system, leading to: [3a] faster manuscript processing, [3b] avoidance of typographical errors introduced during XML markup, and [4] a £30 discount on the Article Processing Charge payable when the article is published.‘ [via Open Access News]