Die NIH Policy on Open Access (offizieller Name: Policy on Enhancing Public Access to Archived Publications Resulting from NIH-Funded Research) ist nun endgültig verabschiedet worden und tritt am 2. Mai 2005 in Kraft. Es gibt auch einen detaillierten implementation plan. Ted Agres, NIH announces ‚open-access‘ rules, The Scientist, February 4, 2005 faßt es schön zusammen: The new policy „requests“ that scientists voluntarily deposit electronic copies of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts with NIH’s PubMed Central database „as soon as possible“ after acceptance for publication. Authors can specify when their manuscripts would be publicly released, anywhere from immediately to 12 months after publication. The policy also places the burden on scientists to resolve any copyright disputes with journal publishers. Die NIH erwartet Kosten von 2-4 Mio. $ für das Archiv. [via Open Access News]