In a press release, CAS Science spotlight ratings show journals‘ significance for scientists. Real-Time Document Requests (RDR) for full-text articles transmitted via CAS search services sollen eine bessere Evaluierung von Zeitschriftenartikeln ermöglichen. Gleichzeitig wird ein (kostenfreier) Zitationstool angeboten: The Medical Sciences category identifies the most highly cited medical science documents appearing in the 1999-2003 published literature and appearing in journals covered by CAS. Leider werden nur die obersten 10 Journale angezeigt, von daher ist die folgende CAS-Aussage irreführend: Visitors […] can compare the „Most Cited“ articles of 2003 versus the „Most Requested“ articles of 2003. Typically, there is little if any correlation between the two lists – possibly indicating authors sometimes cite articles mainly because they have been cited by other researchers. aus STLQ