David brachte mich drauf: „Medi-zendium“ – Disgruntled Librarians and Physicians Unite! und auch Krafty berichtet detailliert über den Unmut in Medlib: US-amerikanische Bibliotheken bekommen die geballte Marktmacht gepaart mit Desinteresse (da sie nicht die „target audience“ sind) von UpToDate zu spüren.
What to do about our point-of-care information needs when the available electronic products are so expensive?
Die Frage des Jahres… Und hier einige Antworten:
- UK National Library for Health’s Clinical Knowledge Summaries
- Was selber machen mit Citizendium
- Open sources for EBM information
- Comparison chart on UTD, FirstConsult and eMedicine
- Muir Gray weist auf folgendes interessante Projekt hin: In the english national Knowledge Service we plan to organise national knowledge weeks for 2 reasons. the first is that new knowledge should not be used by clinicians or patients , except in rare instances, it is too often wrong or over optimimistic. The second is that healthservices cannot deliver safe care if all the staff are changing the knowledge base all the time . we will focus on rheumatoid one week , breast cancer the next for the 50 big problems- 2 weeks off the nstart again
- Detailed comparison test UpToDate vs. other poc-products